Thursday, April 21, 2011

Garden pictures

Josh with lettuce he picked to use in the salad for our 4-H awards banquet.

These are some of the prettiest heads of lettuce.

These are some long rows. There are turnip greens, lettuce, broccoli,


Thursday, April 14, 2011

more pics

New baby chickens

JC has been so excitied about the new chicks that he has been carrying them

everywhere around the house.

We took JC's pony Checkers to a local elementary school and this

is JC telling the preschoolers what a bridal and bit is. He was not one bit shy talking in

front of the other kids and teachers. It was a long day but we had a good time.

homestead happenings pics

I have not posted pics in a while so I thought I post a few.

Iris in back yard and you can just see to the right the edge of my new clothes line!

Sillyness equals jelled hair and lots of pictures taken

Iris in bloom in back yard

Josh won 1st place, to say excitied is not the word.

4-H broiler BBQ contest

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stocking for a year

I found this chart on the net this week and thought someone might find it handy. Our goal this year is to put up enough food for us for an entire year. I plan on doing more canning this year and also trying to can some convience foods like soups and chillies that I have already made they just have to be heated up.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Homestead Happenings

It has been busy around here. We did have to get x-rays last week for Elizabeths fall off of her horse but everything was fine. She is still pretty sore this week and has trouble sitting down for long periods of time. We have been busy working in the garden and trying to do some spring cleaning. Josh has the 4-H BBQ contest coming up this week and so we are getting ready for that. I did a lot of baking today. I made two loaves of wheat bread, a double batch of chocolate chip cookies and a chesse cake. The green mean cooking machine (aka the oven) has been going all day. I made Elizabeth help me today and Oh my goodness. We need to pray for her starting now. She just does not like to cook which does not help anything. It was a good thing that I was right there with her and didn't let her make the cookies on her own.LOL;) We are trying hanker down on school lessons right now. I have decided that we are going year round this year and I mean it. I think this will work well for us. I will have to adjust our schedule somewhat, but it is totaly doable. I am working on curriculum for next year also. Till next time, God Bless ya, Tara