I love these sweet potato vines, they can fill in lots of bare spots and can take
some of the heat. This is my mail box, the block is for little people to check the mail.
Mornings are a special time for me, I love the freshness of a new day the thought that I get a new start everyday. That today is going to be better than yesterday. And I love to hear the birds singing. This week started off rough for me, and I realized that that I had not been seeking the Lord as I should. I have slacked off reading my Bible and having a prayer time. I have made an effort this week that every morning after I get Jeff off to work I have taken my Bible and gone outside and sat in the swing and done some reading and a few days of just weeping to my Savior. And oh how it has made the difference this week. It has just made a difference in how my days have played out. If you don't have a quiet time that you can just read and go to Him in prayer, I encourage you to find it. It will make a difference.
God Bless ya,