Christmas Greetings to all!
I hope all of you are having a wonderful Christmas season so far. Don't forget to take a little time this year to remember the reason for the season. We have a tendancy this time of year to be so busy with all the parties, functions, decorating, baking and gift buying that we loose foucus.
I encourage you to add a tradition to your holiday going ons. It will be a wonderful thing for your children to remember and to carry on to their families. It could be anything, and make it your own.
Remember ladies we don't have to be Martha this time of year. Everything doesn't have to be perfect. This can be one of the biggest stressors that we give ourselves and there is no need. Remember if momma is unhappy everyone is unyhappy. Everything doesn't have to be perfectly decorated or tons of homemade goodies baked at all times. Do the best you can with what you have. Praise God for his gift to us, for BEING THE REASON FOR THE SEASON, and enjoy your family.
Now for a bit of farm and family news:
There is not a lot of things going on here this time of year. Everything tends to slow down. We have been doing basic feeding and getting the new show calves ready for the new show season. We have lots on our list to do this winter. We are trying to get lots of brush and junk cut up and burned and we need to do some repairs to the barn and fences. One of my things to get made this winter is a new chicken tractor, for spring chickens to arrive too. It was to dry this summer to do any burning for sure.
For bigger news, we are expecting a new baby in our home this up coming new year. Yep, you heard me right. I am expecting. After getting over the surprise we are very excitied. So far everything is going well. I am only 13 weeks today, so we have a ways to go. I could use all of your prayers. The Lord has a way of showing us that He is still in charge and that all we need is faith!
I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas,
God bless,