We have been ever so busy lately. I spent most of February working on our Valentines banquet at church and I also helped with a workshop that the West Ladies of Homestead Blessing did. They are a family of three sisters and mom who live in the hills of Tennessee and have a series of videos on how to do homemaking and homesteading things. They came and really blessed our hearts with their kindness and all of their knowledge. Several of us got together and made them a lot of goodies and make up a gift basket. Vickie the mom is wearing the apron I made for them. We all had a wonderful time. Go by and visit their web site and blog sometime. You will receive a blessing for sure.http://thewestladies.blogspot.com
Rose bush in front yard |
We have also been very busy getting the gardens ready. We
have been planting up a storm. I am afraid we won't have much of a potato crop this year. We had just planted them and then got about 5 inches of rain. I am not complaining about the rain mind you. We will just have to make do with what potatoes we do get. Most of the calves have been born. We still lack a couple of them, but they will be later on. The kids have so far not been able to go to any shows due to circumstances beyond our control. Dear daughter just had her gallbladder out and that has put a kilts on everything for now. I am starting a garden journal this year and hope to keep up with it. I am finding it harder each year to remember what we did the year before LOL.God bless, Tara
Early morning on the farm. The locast trees are blooming and the bees are a buzzing. |
June bug waiting her turn in the garden. This is just one spot do you see the even bigger one in the far back. |