well spring has finally arrived on the farm. The last two weeks we have all been sickly. The sunshine this weekend sure has helped. We got new baby chickens in on Friday. J.C. is so excitied about them. We got 50 of them and so far only 2 have died. On Saturday. The kids had 4-H shooting sports practice. We had a good service at Church Sunday morning. We were not able to go back last night we decided to go ahead and do some garden work. We normally don't do work on Sunday, but yesterday the sun was shining and dear hubby was finally home so we decieded it was now or never. We got the potatoes, green beans, pinto beans, broccoli, and squash planted. We have decided to put in an extra big garden this year.
we had a homeschool playday on Friday and the kids and I enjoyed it really well. Last week I mentioned a friend of mine challenged me to memorize Titus 2. Well at our playday another friend had a stack of books she was loaning out and I decided to borrow them to read. Well wouldn't you know it the first one on the top was a book by Debi Pearl
"Created To Be His Help Meet" The first part of the book is about being a help meet to your husband first and foremost. The 2nd part was putting Titus 2 to work. Let me just say that anyone that is a wife and mother needs to read this book. I have made so many bad choices and did not even realize it until I read this book. God has opened my eyes to a brand new world. I have been thinking for the last 15 years that it was all my husbands fault why he is like he is. But, after reading this book I have come to realize that I have had a huge part in it. I have tried to be the boss of our home and did not even realize it. I have forced my hand in so mancy situations that I can't even count them. So let me just say right now that I pray that anyone reading this will not make the same mistakes that I have made. I ask that you pray for me, so that I may change and make a change for the better.
So the 8 things in Titus 2 : We are to be Sober, Love our Husbands, Love our children, To be discreet, Chaste, Keepers AT home, Good, and Obedient to our Husbands. The last one I will really have to work on!!;)
May the Lord Bless you,
Thanks for your honesty! Being a Godly wife is so hard:)) One of my big motivators is that by my actions I train my daughters to surpass me, thus making their marriages better. I certainly have failed over and over again, too. The book sounds great, as all things from the Pearls are. I will have to find it. I was challenged to memorize Ephesians this year~ what a challenge! Memorizing doesn't come easy for this old brain! But I am on chapter 3 and plugging along slowly.