We have been so busy, I have not had time to get on the computer lately. God has blessed us with an abundant garden this year. I have so far canned close to 50 qts of green beans and we have had squash, brocolli, and cabbage. The peppers and tomatoes are beginning to ripen and this afternoon we are going to check the corn. DH said I will probably get 1000 ears or more. We have added some new animals to the farm. We have a couple of pigs. They have been great to have so far. Just think all those garden scraps and extra stuff is going to the piggies. J.C got a new pony also. He named him Checkers. We also got another bull and heifer calf. We have been busy gardening, and taking care of animals. DH has been working a lot and Josh has been my garden man. He has learned how to use the tiller and he has been doing all of the plowing. He went and spent one week with my mom, and I appreciate him all the more since he got back. He does a lot around here. The Lord just continues to bless us even when we don't deserve it. We are trusting in Him to supply our needs and He always does. I hope you have that kind of trust with Him.
God Bless ya,
How exciting to get all those new critters! We keep pigs in the summer, too, and it is great to know that all that wasted food and scrap is being recycled. Have fun with that pony! Our joy comes from trusting the Lord, too, and there's lots to trust Him for on a farm:))