Monday, July 26, 2010

It's raining , its pouring,

GOD IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been raining here again today! And it has been a lot cooler! We are so thankful for the break in the heat. It is too late for the gardens, but we are fixin to start on our fall one!

I hope the baby calf is doing okay. He took his bottle this morning, but it took him a really long time. This afternoon he wouldn't take it at all and so we tried again about 8:30 this evening and he only took about half of it. His sides are not sunk in, so I am hoping this might mean that he is getting more from his momma. We have left her with him because he was still nursing on her and she kept licking him and trying to take care of him. I couln't see seperating them if I didn't half too. He took the bottle feverishly Sunday night, so I am a little worried. It is only by Gods grace that he has lived this long.

Well I did not get any of my baking done today. I apparently am out of flour. I thought I still had some in the bag, but somebody had already emptied it. So for dinner tonight we had pinto beans that I had cooked all day with a pork neck bone, and homemade chicken enchiladas with sourcream sauce. They were yummy! I also made a yellow cake, and we have already eaten half of it. No one wanted frosting, just the cake. The kids acted like they were starved when I got through mixing they all fought over the bowl and beaters! Dear hubby brought home some flour for me, so maybe tomorrow I can get some bread made.

Our extension agent came this morning and looked at the kids livestock projects. We are getting closer to the fair. We moved it up this year and it is going to be tough to get ready in time.

God Bless Ya,

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