I hope everyone has had a good valentines day today. I am sorta a scrooge when it comes to valentines day. It just bothers me that we have so many failed marriages in our country right now. Men and women seem to get married at a drop of a hat without even seeing what it is really all about, they think oh well if it doesn't work then we can just get a divorce. We have made it too hard to stay married and too easy to get divorced in this country. The concept of Valentines day is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but why do we need a special day to tell our spouse that we love him or her. We need to be telling them that everyday. Not just telling, but showing them. It is the little things that really show someone that you care.
My husband and I have been through some storms let me tell you now, and I know we will have some yet to come, but the sun always shines afterwards. The best thing I ever did for us was to read the "Created to be his helpmeet" by Debbi Pearl. It changed our marriage and our home. Love is not the butterflies that are in the bottom of your stomach when you are first married. Love is 1% feeling and 99% commitment. Feelings seem to fade away as quick as they come, When there is no money, bills are piling up, babies are crying, someone is sick, these seem to be the times that we want to throw our hands up. Yes we need to throw our hands up, throw them around each other, hold on to one another and lift one another up. Throw our hands up to the Lord and ask Him for His guidance, mercy and strength. Marriage is made in heaven and the one person that we seem to leave out of our marriage is the Lord. He is the author of all things, to Him we have made a covenant to love our spouse like Christ loves the church.
My husband and I have been married for 17 years. No, it has not been easy, but yes it has been worth every bit of it. I love him more than he will ever know, he is my best friend and with out him I would be lost. I pray for the Lord to give us another 17 years if not more. Who needs one day of the year to show we love each other when you have a whole year to do it.
God bless ya,
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