Well County fair has come and gone. We had a good week all in all.
Elizabeth won Grandchampion Maintainer heifer and Senior showmanship
Josh won Reserve champion commercial heifer and Reserve steer and he won Junior
showmanship. JC got a little ribbon for showing as a pee wee. Elizabeth also won best of show
with one of photos. We are just now recovering, it was dreadfully hot, but we made it.
Thought I would share some of the pictures.
Elizabeth won Grandchampion Maintainer heifer and Senior showmanship
Josh won Reserve champion commercial heifer and Reserve steer and he won Junior
showmanship. JC got a little ribbon for showing as a pee wee. Elizabeth also won best of show
with one of photos. We are just now recovering, it was dreadfully hot, but we made it.
Thought I would share some of the pictures.
The first one is Elizabeth's then Josh's heifer and little steer.

He didn't last but about 4 seconds, but the first thing he said was
"do I get to go it again" and he was all grin.
One down and 3 more shows to go.
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