Civil War days at a local state park. These two pictures were taken year before last.
And we all know why I don't have new pics;(
We had a great day Sunday at Civil War days. Got to see a re-enactment of a battle and of course JC loved it. We toured the old homes, dipped some candles and enjoyed the afternoon.
I also met some new friends, some other homeschool mom's and some that even blog! I am hoping to get to know them better. I love meeting other like minded folks! Last night after we got home we left out and went and picked up Josh's new show heifer. She didn't come off the trailer to well last night, knocked down all the fans and just was not happy, she seems to be somewhat better this morning, so maybe just maybe she will be calm enough by this evening to start working. We plan on staying home this week and working on school work and new calves. I have a new recipe to try this week and it is a banana peanut butter muffins. If they turn out well I will post the recipe.
This weeks menu:
Monday: Chicken strips, macaroni and cheese, and green beans.(all from scratch of course;)
Tuesday: Taco soup, cornbread
Wednesday: Deer steak, fried potatoes and cabbage
Thursday: BBQ sandwiches and chips. (made from a pork roast that will be cooked in the crock pot all day)
Friday: Hamburgers
Not to fancy of meals this week for sure. I want to really get a lot of school work done this week, and I wanted meals to be easy.
I normally don't plan a menu for breakfast or lunch because we normally have the same things toast, cereal, oatmeal, grilled cheese, or grits for breakfast and lunch is normally left overs from the night before or salads. This week though I did plan on making a big batch of Chicken salad for us to have for lunch and guacamole dip too!!!
I also am going to make a batch of those muffins and a batch of sausage biscuits to put in the freezer for my hubby to have to grab every morning to eat on the way to work.
God bless ya till next time.