I have the droopsies about Christmas so far this year. I just get so frustrated with all the whoo-haa this time of year. It just seems every year it's more and more about the stuff. Take that black Friday thing, people staying out all night and into the next day getting into fights, or being hurt by someone else, pepper sprayed in the face, knocked over and the likes for what? MORE STUFF!! Even the stores around here were already putting Christmas stuff out before Halloween ever got here. I would just love to have an old fashion Christmas when we focus on Christ and each other. SSSHHH don't tell my kidos but I truly wish we had never begun Santa. I know with some people this is a touchy issue, but it really takes all the focus away. We always do the Christmas story on Christmas eve, and there have been years I made a birthday cake for baby Jesus, we were involved in the plays at church and the caroling but it still seems to center around all the stuff that we can give or receive. Maybe soon, this mood will pass and I will become my usual Martha wanta-be LOL.
God bless ya,
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