This is a hard thing for me to talk about because I had struggled with it for so long. Us as Christian moms and wives have an uphill battle that we face each and everyday and that is feminism. I see so many women that are struggling with their place , their lot in life, their roll, what their "purpose" is what God's will in her life is. I too for most of my married life have struggled with the same issues. It wasn't until just a few years ago that I finally came to a conclusion that I had been doing my call in life all along and that is to be a wife and mother. A stay at home wife and mother. I was constantly struggling with that saying what is my "purpose" in life. I was always griping about being home, yet didn't want to leave. Griping about my lot in life, griping about my home, my children, my husband. Just really not liking anything at all. When we decided to pull our children out of public school we made a total life change. We as a family and I as a wife and mother have changed in so many ways. I finally went to the Lord in prayer and just rededicated my self to Him and His service and you know what that service is. It is my family and home that's right. Not to go on some missionary trips to a foreign country. Not to go all over the country singing , not to be a womens speaker or all the numerous other things I could have done. Mine was to be a loving wife and mother and keeper of my home. Until just a few years ago I had never even understood what Titus 2 or Proverbs 31 meant. I wasted years of being dis CONTENT.I want you to know how much time I have wasted on WAITING FOR GOD TO SEND A SIGN and I have had the sign ever since I put this ring on my finger. It is there to remind me everyday of what and who I am. Ladies I beg of you to stop right now and rededicate yourselves to the service of the Lord and to the service or your family. Don't listen to the media and the books and radio talk shows. God has had our purpose planned out from the beginning and that is to be a help meet to our husbands and mothers to our children. Don't let feminism rob years of your happiness. You will never be happy or content with yourselves, or where you are in life if you don't give your selves over to the Lord fully. He has a plan for each and every one of us. Make the best of everyday. Listen to the birds in the morning they are music from the Good Lord. Dive into the word of God each and everyday. Pray for your family and for peace and contentment. Work hard to be a blessing to your husband and to please him. When you do that. I promise you that you will soon forget about self and one day you will look up and realize how happy you are. How happy your husband is and your children are. Take the life that God has given you and make the very best of it. God will be so pleased with you and will bless you for it. Don't let Satan get into the littlest crack in your life fill them up with gladness and joy. If your having a rough day of it don't forget to tell satan to get behind you and your family in the name of Jesus Christ. I promise you it works. Our Savior will win every time. I hope I have encouraged you just a little bit this morning. May the Lord bless you until next time.
What a wonderful reminder.