I am glad to have seen it come and go this year. For some reason we all are just pooped. We had a great season and are glad for a few weeks of rest. My month has been busy with other stuff than fairs also. I was able to do a little catering this month and I also hosted a tea party for some sweet friends. There were 4 other moms that attended and between us we had 16 children present and that wasn't all of them. We had a great time. My sweet Cora did so well during the shows, I couldn't have asked for a better baby, she just watched what all was going on and loved everyone that held her. I think she is going to be a little showman some day for sure. Around the farm, we are waiting on a few cows to calve and just trying to get ready for winter. Here are a few pics of the month.
Elizabeth and Miss. Angel!
Hard to believe this is Elizabeth's last year. Where has the time gone.
It's tea party time.
I used my grandmothers china, I hope she would approve!
Sweet friends and great memories!
~It's fair time~
Nothing like sweet friendships. The people you come to know and
love at these shows are priceless.
A little heifer that we have right now.
Pork, Chop and Bacon waiting to get fed!
Nothing like sweet calves nursing in the field!
This is Cora and her great grandmother. I hope Cora can be as
wonderful a woman as she is.
Cora had her 4 month check up, well almost 5 month really, she weighed 20lbs even.
It is hard to believe that all my kidos are growing so fast. God has truly blessed me in more ways than one. I may not have the nicest home or the fanciest clothes, or all the newest gadgets out there, but I can say that I have and am blessed with more than money can buy. We have had some things happen this year to really open my eyes and appreciate what He has given us. He can take it away as quick as He has given it to us, that is one reason I decided to have the tea party. The tea party was a kind of celebration of sorts. I am going to be opening up my home more often and concentrate on the friendships and fellowship and not my cracked floors and old furniture. Until next time.
God Bless,
Tara, I really enjoyed reading this article and am so proud of the lady you have become and loving mother and wife. It's so good to know that you truly realize what is really important in this life and are making it work in your family. So proud of your kiddos for all their achievements. Keep up the good work. The Nelson's