Monday, December 27, 2010

around the farm

We have had a pretty good day today. We weaned a couple of calves that was long past due! It wasn't tohard to get everyone sorted, especially with a little feed. Jeff and Josh spent most of the afternoon working on the well at the barn, we had some frozen and busted pipes and the pump was not wanting to work, not to mention that there is not much water in the well to pump. We are still praying for rain here. So if you are reading this I ask of you to include us in your prayers and pray for some rain for us!

The boys are out hunting right now and JC and I are staying in where it is warm and drinking hot cocoa. I think we will have chilli for supper tonight. My bunch usually does not like soup of any kind, but they will eat a real thick and hot chilli.

We are going to start on the flooring in the hallway tomorrow, I hope it goes smoother than Elizabeths room did LOL:)

I tried to take some farm pictures today, and I will try to post them tonight. It takes forever to download them with my dial up internet! Hope everyone stays warm tonight!

God Bless ya,

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a Merry Christmas! About the photos~ you can resize them before you put them on the blog(either on the camera or on the computer after you download them) and it saves a lot of time waiting. Even our dial up will usually pop them up pretty quick on blogger. Praying for rain! You can have some of our snow if you'd like:))
