Tuesday, December 7, 2010

homestead happenings

Everything is doing fine here on the homestead tonight. Everyone is in bed that is except me! I need to go to bed, but can't go to sleep just yet. It is nice and cozy in here and I am enjoying the silence!

We have finally finished Elizabeths bedroom. It took us forever. I will try and post a few pics this week. I wish I had thought to take some before pics. She is finally sleeping in there. We have just about had a family melt down over this project. It was supposed to be a simple paint job back at the first of the year and it turned into something else. We got started and then the garden came in and all the summer activities and hubby working a lot and then when we had time we had no money! Thats always a bummer! So finally we had the money and a little bit of time. We have argued for the last two weeks but I finally had enough of it and decided to just do it my self! So with the help of the kids and the Lord I finished putting the flooring down and put up all the trim and baseboards myself and finished painting. I finished around midnight last night. Boy, was hubby surprised when he walked in yesterday and found that I had already done it! I am ever so sore. My knees and fingers are really sore from putting down the flooring. Now I feel like I can go to the next room on my list and get started with it!

Farm wise nothing much going on. Went and got a load of feed today and hopefully will get a load of hay soon. We are supposed to get a little snow tonight and in the morning. I don't want a mess, but some water of some kind would be nice. Along with that feed today I got, I had to get some water. I am ever so tired of hauling water. We have been praying for rain!

May God Bless ya,

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhhh!! You are an inspiration today! I have boxes of flooring that have been sitting behind my couch for over a year, as well as trim boards leaning up in the corner~ now if you can put down flooring and put up trim boards I could too!! We also have so many "little" projects that just need to get finished..... one day:)) Hope you get your rain!
