Sunday, January 30, 2011
homestead happenings
Carlton Family Schedule:
7:30 Rise and shine! (Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty, open thine eyes and thou shalt be satisfied with bread. Prov. 20 13)
Morning chores ( make beds, tidy room, get dressed, brush teeth)
8:00 Barn Chores
8:30 Breakfast (mom: start supper)
9:00 Pick up house
Liz: clean bathroom, Josh and JC tidy den)
Start daily routine
Mon: Laundry day
Tues: Kitchen day
Wed: Office day
Thur: Cleaning day
Fri: Town day
10:00 Bible study and school begins:
12:00 Lunch break
1:00 School resumes
3:00 After noon chores
Tidy school room
Barn Chores
Begin supper
Finish daily routine
5:00 Free hour
6:00 Supper
7:00 Clean kitchen and tidy up for dad to come home
8:00-9:30 Family time
9:30 BED TIME~
Pray for us because schedules and us do not happen very well! But, we have got to do something to help us get more stuff done in the day. I will let you know how well it goes!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
rantin and ravin
The #1 fuss: I was faced with a question today that has stuck in my craw all day long. I was encouraging someone who wanted to put their child in a daycare so the child could get used to other childre. I told them that it was not neccessary to do that. And they said how else? Well the first thing I said was CHURCH. What better place to be, right? That is when she informed me she would not be going to this certain church because of all the hippocrits. That there were peope drinking and partying and then turning around and showing up at Church on Sunday and Wednesday. And that this she still drank and did not want to be a hippocrit. OK!!!!@! First of all we do not have to be perfect to attend Church. That is not how it happens. We are to go to Church and let the Holy Spirit work with us to help us change. We are to repent and turn from our sins. REPENT means to turn away from. NOT to keep repeating ourselves. OK 2ndly, if we are a born again believer and a member of the church and have ANY kind of leadership role, we have to be VERY CAREFUL in how we live our lives. There are people watching us all the time wheather you know it or not. If we are a one day a week Christian than we are going to hurt our testimony. Not only ours, but the Church's. Mostly we are going to hurt our Lords testimony.
2nd rant: Why is it that everytime I turn around someone is trying to talk me into putting my children back into public school. I saw someone the other day that did not know we were homeschooling and the first thing out of there mouth was"are you crazy"! That they could never do it, they did not have the patience. Then they proceeded to tell me about the freedom of choice and about sending them to this certain school. I said that we would just be staying at home. It is where we belong.
Well yes it takes patience, but it takes more than that it takes courage to do what we are doing. It is NOT just about school. Listen everyone, we have chosen a LIFESTYLE difference. I wished we would have started years ago and it would be a whole lot easier, but we didn't! ANd now we are having to do what we can, but I firmly believe that we are doing the will of the LORD and he will bless us for it!
3rd and final rant: I have come to the conclusion that just being a stay at home mom is NOT enough. I have been looking around lately and have been very saddened by what I see. There are too many that are just not taking their jobs seriously. There is more to being a keeper at home than just staying home. They are constantly complaining, leaving their children with someone else while they go to town, not having their home in order and I could go on and on. We as older moms and (not neccessarily in age), need to remember our Titus 2. We need to seek out these moms and start encouraging them. And don't worry I am preaching to myself here as well!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Library time
Thursday, January 13, 2011
One night I was blowdrying my hair while sitting on the bed, Jeff had already gone to sleep, but his arm was kinda stretched out in front of me and his hand was stretched out open with his palm down. He has terrible dry skin in the winter and his fingers crack all the time, and he has me rub his hands down with lotions all the time, but untill that moment I hadn't never thought about them. As I looked at them it dawned on me just how special those hands were to me.
How he goes to work everyday and works 12 hour shifts just so I can be home with our children, how he has toiled the soil for our food, how he has held our children when they were just born, those hands can be rough and so strong, but when I am being a cry baby can rub my face and wipe my tears with the gentlest and softest of hands. Those hands have helped me after each c- section I have had, Those are the hands that chop wood so we can be warm in the winter and work to have AC in the summer. What would it be like if those hands never touched me again. I prayed and hoped that I would never find out. Something very special happened that night.
That night I was brought to my knees with a new love for my husband. I have only the Lord to thank for that. I hope that whoever reads this will look at your husbands hands tonight and thank God for giving you someone that loves you like Christ's love for the Church.
God Bless,
We ventured out and went to Church last night, there were still some slick spots on the road. I am going to have to get out today and run some errands, but I wont leave untill after lunch and everything is warming up.
Thank the Lord for my little man Joshua, he is THE MAN when dad is at work, he keeps the fire going for me and all the wood brought in. He has even been doing all of the feeding! Way to go JOSHUA!!!!
Jeff and I were supposed to go to our yearly state Fair convention this week, but he missed so much work last week working on the floor and then the snow hit and they didn't run for a few days, we decided it would be best if he worked. Unfortunatley we need the money! I love going to the convention, it is the only time we get to go anywhere by ourselves. JC is almost six and he has only slept away from home 4 times in his whole little life and that was because every year we let the kids go to MIMI's house and stay the night while we go to the convention. We just happen to be the kind of momma and daddy that actually want our children home with us! In today's society that is probably strange to some people!
God Bless,
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The last two summers here have been really bad and so everyone is short on feed stuff! We know a lot of farmers that have sold completely out this fall. God has been good to us and we keep hanging in there.
I hope some of the snow will help with the moisture, but it was a pretty dry snow, so don't think its going to help a lot!
As far as schedule goes we have not had one at all lately!!!!! I sure haven't made any menu's either! We have been flying by the seat of our pants LOL!!
I have two boys right now playing nerf guns and there are darts flying past me as a type!!! The fire is stoked, with a row of boots, gloves and socks in front to dry out, supper is over and everyone is just relaxing(everyone but the boysLOL)
I hope everyone stays warm tonight!
God Bless ya,
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's snowing!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
homestead happenings
Monday's gro. items
10.oz baking powder- .99
2 pkg cream cheese-1.98(for both)
16oz cornstartch-.79
2 loaves of sandwhich bread-1.98(for both)
2 pkgs hot dogs-1.98
2 bottle of bacon bits-2.98
1 head of lettuce-1.29
1 10count pkg of tortillas-2.39
1 gallon milk-2.99
32 oz peanuts-3.99
3 jalapeno peppers -.35
1 box saltine crackers.89
2 bags white corn chips-1.98
With tax a grand total of 39.26
Some of the items were luxury items like the bacon bits. I love to put them in my grits in the morning and we love them mixed in with cream cheese to spread on crackers.
The sandwhich bread is normally a no no, but since my oven is not working , I will have to for a while. This week I did very well and stuck to my menu! Yeeaaahhhh!
I Love aprons
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Monday's to do List
I have a whole list of things to do for MOnday. I wanted to start on a schedule, but of course I can't because I have to go into town. I have to get feed and grocieries.
I did make up a simi menue:
Monday- B: cereal or grits, L- something in town, D- Cube steaks with mushroom gravy, rice and green beans.
Tuesday- B: pancakes , L- sandwhiches, D- Chicken strips, baked potatoes, green salad.
Wednesday- B: cereal or grits, L-grilled cheese and salad, D-sanwhiches or leftovers.
Thursday-B: French toast, L- sandwhiches, D-Deer steak, cream potatoes, brocolli and cheese
Friday - Town day D- HB casserole.
I will also start posting on my gro. bill and list and try to give some suggestions on saving money on groceries. I have to say I don't spend alot of money on gro,. but I would like to track it and see just exactly how much I do spend and if there are any improvements that I could make.
God Bless ya,
Just a thought
Open your eyes to new faith-filled possibilities.
Recognize your need for order--God is the Lord of order!
Go for it! Get enthused and walk in the joy of the Lord!
Ask God for guidance through the power of His Holy Spirit--this is not just "housework"--this is a major part of your service to Him!
Now is the time to reclaim your home from frustration, chaos and fear!
It may take some work--but don't give up! Even if you are poor or on bed rest--ask God for creative ways to positively impact your home environment and encourage your loved ones.
Zero in on problem areas and think about centralizing things like shoes, baking supplies, toys, school supplies, paperwork, etc.
Expect the best--keep positive--and expect your family to be part of keeping things in order--don't forget to delegate and inspect!
Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year
Some of the things that I want to do is get more of a routine going in our home. God is not the author of chaos and the last couple of years we have been in chaos. So I am making some list and we will start impliminting some new things beginning Monday morning. I just pray for the physical strength to get some of these projects done. The last couple of years I have just been physicaly exhausted and just can not seem to get things done like I used too.
I have been drinking a new tea that I have gotten from It is called "momma's red rasberry brew" It has red rasberry leaves, nettle, alfalfa, and peppermint. It is supposed to help strengthen the womb. No, I am not expecting, but it is also supposed to help with menstral cycles. Mine are always so terrible. They have helped with the cramping. I am still playing around with how strong to make the tea. Everyone reacts differently to herbs so I started out kinda weak to see how it would be. I would recommend it. I have also not had as much tummy problems either, and that is probably fromt the pepperment in it.
Oh a bit of goody goody news is that I got a brand new kitchen aid mixer yesterday!!!!!
I am so excitied, I can't wait to get started. I have to order a dough hook and whisk, and then I will be ready to do some baking. I have been doing all of my bread baking by hand so it will be nice to have a mixer to help. I would love to have a Bosch mixer, but they are really expensive, but I am tickled that the Lord let me have the KA mixer. He is so good!