Have you ever looked at something thousands of times and never really looked at it! I have done that! My husband and I have been married for over 16 years and not untill recently really seen his hands. I know what your thinking his hands? How could I not see them? The answer to that is I have not taken the time and really LOOKED at them.
One night I was blowdrying my hair while sitting on the bed, Jeff had already gone to sleep, but his arm was kinda stretched out in front of me and his hand was stretched out open with his palm down. He has terrible dry skin in the winter and his fingers crack all the time, and he has me rub his hands down with lotions all the time, but untill that moment I hadn't never thought about them. As I looked at them it dawned on me just how special those hands were to me.
How he goes to work everyday and works 12 hour shifts just so I can be home with our children, how he has toiled the soil for our food, how he has held our children when they were just born, those hands can be rough and so strong, but when I am being a cry baby can rub my face and wipe my tears with the gentlest and softest of hands. Those hands have helped me after each c- section I have had, Those are the hands that chop wood so we can be warm in the winter and work to have AC in the summer. What would it be like if those hands never touched me again. I prayed and hoped that I would never find out. Something very special happened that night.
That night I was brought to my knees with a new love for my husband. I have only the Lord to thank for that. I hope that whoever reads this will look at your husbands hands tonight and thank God for giving you someone that loves you like Christ's love for the Church.
God Bless,
That is so precious. You know, my dad's been in heaven for 9 years now, and I can still picture his hands?