Wednesday, January 19, 2011

rantin and ravin

I just want to do a little fussing tonight.

The #1 fuss: I was faced with a question today that has stuck in my craw all day long. I was encouraging someone who wanted to put their child in a daycare so the child could get used to other childre. I told them that it was not neccessary to do that. And they said how else? Well the first thing I said was CHURCH. What better place to be, right? That is when she informed me she would not be going to this certain church because of all the hippocrits. That there were peope drinking and partying and then turning around and showing up at Church on Sunday and Wednesday. And that this she still drank and did not want to be a hippocrit. OK!!!!@! First of all we do not have to be perfect to attend Church. That is not how it happens. We are to go to Church and let the Holy Spirit work with us to help us change. We are to repent and turn from our sins. REPENT means to turn away from. NOT to keep repeating ourselves. OK 2ndly, if we are a born again believer and a member of the church and have ANY kind of leadership role, we have to be VERY CAREFUL in how we live our lives. There are people watching us all the time wheather you know it or not. If we are a one day a week Christian than we are going to hurt our testimony. Not only ours, but the Church's. Mostly we are going to hurt our Lords testimony.

2nd rant: Why is it that everytime I turn around someone is trying to talk me into putting my children back into public school. I saw someone the other day that did not know we were homeschooling and the first thing out of there mouth was"are you crazy"! That they could never do it, they did not have the patience. Then they proceeded to tell me about the freedom of choice and about sending them to this certain school. I said that we would just be staying at home. It is where we belong.
Well yes it takes patience, but it takes more than that it takes courage to do what we are doing. It is NOT just about school. Listen everyone, we have chosen a LIFESTYLE difference. I wished we would have started years ago and it would be a whole lot easier, but we didn't! ANd now we are having to do what we can, but I firmly believe that we are doing the will of the LORD and he will bless us for it!

3rd and final rant: I have come to the conclusion that just being a stay at home mom is NOT enough. I have been looking around lately and have been very saddened by what I see. There are too many that are just not taking their jobs seriously. There is more to being a keeper at home than just staying home. They are constantly complaining, leaving their children with someone else while they go to town, not having their home in order and I could go on and on. We as older moms and (not neccessarily in age), need to remember our Titus 2. We need to seek out these moms and start encouraging them. And don't worry I am preaching to myself here as well!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny, but so sad, I just had the same conversation with a mom about the same daycare issue this past week. She has 1 son, under the age of 1, is financially able to stay home, but has chosen to work and wants her son to have socialization opportunities that daycare will provide~ huh??!! As mothers we do forget our high calling. Great reminder! And, you are so right, we "older" moms do need to be the encouragers and examples.

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment:)) It felt good to rant! Glad to know others struggle too (not just me), but also so good to know that there are other Godly girlfriends out there praying. Thanks!
