Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011

I found a wonderful site this afternoon called
I think youwill love it. There are some very good inspirational writings. This is something I regret since we have made such a change in our lives is that I did not really try and teach my daughter how to be a homemaker, we have focused on other things. I ask of you if you have a young daughter please do not make the same mistakes I made. Start now, teaching them how to take care of their future home and the one they are currently living in. Teach them how to sew, cook, bake, craft, a love for service, a love for being a gracious hostess, a loving wife, and a blessed momma. Unfortunatley I did not realize that these were actually a mandate of the Lord. Dont forget the Proverbs 31 woman and Titus 2 .
I have been trying to get Elizabeth to help me do some cooking, but she absolutley detest it. Her famous saying is "Mom, they make cookbooks everyday, I can learn it then". I am in constant prayer for her and my self. I pray that I can be a blessing to some young mom and that she can learn from my mistakes, It is a lot easier and less painful to learn from someone elses mistakes than your own.
Praise to the Lord!!!!
Praise the Lord after much prayer and wrestling with satan Elizabeth decided to follow Jesus. Yep Elizabeth received Jesus Christ as her savior Monday night. I was so overwhelmed all I could do is cry. ...I am so proud of her. Satan is not happy right now and I know that we will still have some battles, but at least now we have the Holy Spirit to help us. God is so good to us, I can not begin to tell you how much.
God Bless ya,Tara
Sunday, May 22, 2011
busy busy homestead happenings
The chickens are growing really fast and I still need to get there mobil pens made and I want to order some broilers also. I am still looking for young pigs to buy, we only fed out 2 this year just to see how they would do and we have loved it, so I think we are going to try for 5 or six this year , we will keep 3 for the freezer and sell the other 3 to pay for feed and butchering cost. I am currently looking into getting some berkshire pigs, but we will have to see.
We had a chicken snake get into the brooder box the other day and it had a chicken hung in its mouth. The chicken was way to big for it to swallow. Lets just say its eyes were bigger than its mouth. My husband got the chicken out of the snakes mouth but it was too late they killed the snake and then the next day we had one killed by somehting else. But so far we have only lost 3 chicks.
Our main problem in our garden right now is the Colorado potatoe bug. We are officially enemies at this point. I do not want to spray insecticide, but I am not having much luck in other ways. I was told to put flour on them, so tomorrow we will try that, it sure isn't going to hurt anything. They have even attacked my tomatoes and peppers.
Well another storm is brewing and the lightning has begun pretty close. I guess I will call it a night.
God BLess ya,
Monday, May 2, 2011
I was blessed by a visit from an old friend this past weekend We had a really good visit and of course it was sad to see her leave. We are very behind in the garden. We had a flat tire on the tractor and then it got really dry and now it is really wet, but I am not complaining about the wet. It will be just fine. We have been rather busy but with what I don't know I guess a little of this and a little of that. With gas prices like they are we are going to have to start staying put! The kids and I did not leave the house today at all. It is a scary time right now for sure with prices of everything rising. I wan't to recommend a wonderful blog . Amy has a lot of good writings that I know you will enjoy reading.
God Bless ya,