These are our green beans. Kentucky Wonder Bush beans.
it right through the hot wire into our garden.
We have had a busy day today, we didn't go to the lake or have lunch with our family. We stayed home and worked. I know we are such party poopers, but there is lots to be done around here. We finally got an old shed cleaned up and some new dirt brought in. I just have to decide what I am going to do in that spot now. I have narrowed it down to 3 things, herb beds, summer kitchen, or real pretty coverd seating area. Hopefully tomorrow I can get my tomatoes staked and we can begin to run the water lines for the irrigation pumps, I will need to plant more squash seeds and cuccumber seeds. Everytime I set them out, something is digging them up or pulling them up. I am about the get mad. I should already be up to my neck in squash. Not restarting seed.
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