I found a wonderful site this afternoon called http://raisinghomemakers.com
I think youwill love it. There are some very good inspirational writings. This is something I regret since we have made such a change in our lives is that I did not really try and teach my daughter how to be a homemaker, we have focused on other things. I ask of you if you have a young daughter please do not make the same mistakes I made. Start now, teaching them how to take care of their future home and the one they are currently living in. Teach them how to sew, cook, bake, craft, a love for service, a love for being a gracious hostess, a loving wife, and a blessed momma. Unfortunatley I did not realize that these were actually a mandate of the Lord. Dont forget the Proverbs 31 woman and Titus 2 .
I have been trying to get Elizabeth to help me do some cooking, but she absolutley detest it. Her famous saying is "Mom, they make cookbooks everyday, I can learn it then". I am in constant prayer for her and my self. I pray that I can be a blessing to some young mom and that she can learn from my mistakes, It is a lot easier and less painful to learn from someone elses mistakes than your own.
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