Are you ready for what is going on in this country right now?
Could you survive if we were to have an economic fall out?
Could you as a family have enough food for a year?
Could you make it?

These are just a few question that I have this morning. I
Have decided to start some post about homesteading skills and what we
can do to better prepare ourselves. I think our family needs to learn a few things.
So I invite you to come along and join us on this adventure

Some of the things that we are already doing is trying to provide some of our own food. I do not want to be dependent on a gro. store for everything. What if someday I can't get to a store, or don't have any money. (which seems to be more often for us).
We had two hogs butchered this spring there pics are above, we got close to 400lbs of meat from them. We are looking for 4 more right now. We also have a steer we are feeding out right now, from him we will average another 700 lbs of meat from an 1100 lb steer. I know a lot of people doesn't have room for a steer, but a hog is more manageable. They can eat all your kitchen and garden scraps, you would be surprised . The satisfaction of knowing that you didn't have to throw anything away and you would be getting something for your scraps is a good thing, less waste, and you know where your food is coming from.
Next I encourage you to get a garden going, even if it is a small one. I have been so upset this year over ours, but we have learned something, I will need to always have more than I plan on needing, in case we have another summer like this one.
I have been learning to do lots of homesteading skills, like canning, butter making, bread making, cooking a lot of things from scratch, sewing etc.
You would be amazed at how we can save money on food by making lots of things from scratch and not buying pre made pre packaged food. On average I spend around 400$ a month for food and cleaning supplies. That is for two adults, two teenagers, and one 6 year old (five of us).
I will try to do a post later on about how I shop for groceries and some cost cutting ways. I would love to get that 400 even down more. I would love to hear your comments and any suggestion that you may have.
May God bless ya till next time,