Thursday, August 11, 2011

Its that time of year again!

It's that time of year again, the time when we start to pull out the curriculum catalogs, and make new schedules, revamp and renew from the previous year, change and add things, have lots of prayers and are full of excitement. Yep its time to go back to school "homeschool".
It is hard to believe but, this will be our 4th year to be home. I am not going to tell you it has all been sunshine and roses. There are days when I want to scream, or cry or both. But, I would not trade it for anything. I will never forget the first week we were home and I was at the kitchen stove doing some baking and the kids where gathered around the table and I looked around and the peace that came over me was overwhelming, I still get that feeling. The satisfaction that I am raising them in a God fearing home, a Christ centered home.
I still feel like I don't know anything, but I do believe a lot of the doubt that is placed in me is of satan and this world. He wants to place doubt in us and try to cause chaos.
I have decided to of course do some changes this year, we are going to try and do more hands on things this year and I have decided that the best way for us to try and do history this year is through literature and living history, I think we are going to try and take a lot more field trips that are focused around what we are studying that month.
I learn something new all the time myself, I want the kids to want to learn and not feel as though it is a job, that is my goal for this year, to install a love to learn in the kidos. We are going to have a fun and exciting year this year. The great thing about homeschooling is that it's not just 8-3 , its 24 hours, 7 days a week. Outside or inside, at home or away. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" Philippians 4:13

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