The joys of homemaking

Oh the joys of homemaking, being a wife and stay at home mom. I can not imagine any better job. For most of my marriage I have been home with my children and husband, I only worked outside the home 2 times and they were for very short periods of time. For years I kept asking God to show me "his will" for me. I have all kinds of books on "God's purpose in your life" well let me tell you, I was doing it all along, just not very well. It wasn't until I realized that being home was my purpose that I started looking at things very different. I realized that my home was being neglected because I was not looking at it. I was looking somewhere off in the distance. God has given us a job, a purpose and that is to be a help meet to our husbands and keepers at home. If you are married and have children then those two things are your purpose. I have really made some changes around here the last couple of years and the first one was to be a more submissive wife, just that alone can change the atmosphere of your home, when mom and dad are in love and one accord with each other things can't help but to get better, next was discipline of the children and next was order in our home. As I have said before God is not the order of chaos, Satan is and if our home is chaotic he can get a foot into our homes and well we all know what can happen then. I can always tell when we begin to get a little chaotic around here and then we have to reign everything back into focus and trust me, it is easy to get that way. Satan wants to make us so busy that we don't have time to focus on our family and home the way we need to. I struggle daily with all these things, and I constantly have to stop and go to Christ and ask for His help, I am still learning and still growing, but being home with a happy heart for my husband and my children is the very best.
May God Bless ya,
Great post!