Tuesday, February 8, 2011

snow snow go away!

This is the little pond
We are supposed to get 6-8 inches of the white stuff starting sometime in the morning and lasting all day. We really need the moisture, but I just don't care for the snow that much.

We have had a pretty good day, got a lot of school work done, most of the clothes wahed up and I am about as ready as I can be for tomorrow.

I need to start my tomatoe and pepper seeds, but I just haven't been in the mood. Can I say CABIN FEVER!

We almost got us a milk cow this week, I got a call yesterday about one that had a calf born dead and needed someone to take her and milk her, EXCEPT that she was not broke to milk yet! I got my hopes up but the wiser husband that Jeff is said NO! He didn't want me or Josh to get kicked in the head. Then I got a message later on that the calf was born over 3days ago and so the cow hadn't milked at all and so therefore no need to bother! THere is a season for everything and this is not it for a milk cow right now.

The pigs are ready to go to the butcher , but weather is not cooperating, maybe just maybe we can take them next week.
God Bless, Tara

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